Teemu Mastovaara

Cellist & Composer

Teemu Mastovaara plays cello in concert at Sibelius Museum.
Photography by Pekko Vasantola


Here you may check out what I’ve been up to!

The main image of this particular project. Clicking the image leads you to the project article page.

NISKAVUORI - Nuori emäntä

We performed the play by Hella Wuolijoki, script dramatisation by Sari Ojala, at Höyläämö, Jokioinen, Finland.
The main image of this particular project. Clicking the image leads you to the project article page.

Elementtejä Forssasta

I wrote a piece for orchestra and choir to honor the Forssa 100 years celebrations. The piece was commissioned by Lounais-Hämeen musiikkiopisto and Terhi Karhumäki.
The main image of this particular project. Clicking the image leads you to the project article page.

The Water Project

Concert with Lubena Nova, vocals and Ville Vihko, piano. Nova has written poems to honour Aura River in Turku, which Ismo Savola and Jari Riitala have composed into musical pieces.


Tampering: Värit taittuvat
Tampere, Finland
Once Musical
Turku, Finland
Once Musical
Turku, Finland
Once Musical
Turku, Finland
Once Musical
Turku, Finland
Teemu Mastovaara plays cello in concert at Sibelius Museum.
Photography by Pekko Vasantola
"Teemu Mastovaara is an exceptionally diverse and interesting musician: a wonderful cellist and an always surprising composer with a distinct and personal voice."

Mikko Luoma

Classical Accordionist, Senior Lecturer at Turku Arts Academy

Check out my portfolio! Get in touch and let's see what we could create together!